Friday, June 19, 2009


At the Seminar "Analysis of Context and Trajectories of Organizations of Displaced Persons in Medellin"

Well, this has been a very interesting time. I have learned tons for my thesis, and have met incredible people who have worked on Internal Displacement issues in Colombia for decades.
On Wednesday, I was lucky enough to get invited to a seminar on the contexts and trajectories of ODPs (Organizations of Displaced Population) in Medellin. This was great, because I got to meet many people who are involved in the same kind of research I am, and who are trying to answer similar questions. The seminar went from 8.00am to 5.00pm and it was very enriching. I was also invited to a workshop that will take place tomorrow with the leaders of 30 different ODPs in Medellin.

Once internally displaced persons arrive in the city, many are treated as second-rate citizens, and at times they equal stateless individuals who have to fight for their right to have rights. My thesis will explore the kinds of citizens that are formed in Medellín due to forced displacement, by addressing IDPs mechanisms of self-help like coping strategies, survival techniques and adaptation mechanisms through collective action to claim their citizenship and their rights to the city. In other words, I will explore the communal/collective construction of citizenship, particularly in the case of organizations that participate in the MOPDM (Mesa de Organizaciones de Poblacion Desplazada de Medellin) Table of Organizations of Displaced Populations of Medellin – TODPM.

I am very excited and anxious to be a part of the next workshop of the MOPDM, which will take place next Tuesday and Wednesday. I know that I will learn a lot about these collective action mechanisms, and how (as well as why) the displaced come together to form organizations that will make them and their struggles visible. I have read a lot about this topic, and I have to say that I am fascinated by it. There are many people here who have worked very hard on the subject of citizenship constructions and collective social actions of IDPs in Medellin, and they are all very generous with their knowledge.

I will keep this short, because I will probably have more interesting things to share tomorrow after the workshop with ODP leaders.

Photos taken from: FULAM's Laboratorio Universitario de Estudios Sociales -LUES- website for the project "Organization of Displaced Populations and Restoration of Rights in the Cities of Medellin and Bogota:"

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